Amants de la Lune by Giulia Valerii
Giorgia D'avanzo

Giorgia D’avanzo – Amants De La Lune Designer
Giorgia D’avanzo – Diseñadora de Amantes De La Lune

How did the idea for the brand come about?
¿Cómo surgió la idea de la marca?
Amantsdelalune was born in March 2020 during the pandemic. I have always had a passion for jewellery, from the simplest to the
most extravagant, especially rings, because I believe in the energy of the hands. During the pandemic I had a lot of time on my
hands, so I designed a few pieces for myself, I had no intention of selling them initially. The role of the moon was fundamental, I
have always been fascinated by its history and its eight phases.
Eight is a number that has accompanied me throughout my life, since childhood it has been a fixed point for me and my family, a
number that has often appeared by chance or not.
According to Japanese culture, the number eight is considered lucky; this is because the two lines that form the kanji ⼋ widen
at the bottom, indicating improvement and prosperity.
The brand took shape when I decided to merge these concepts, and to represent my creations by giving them a meaning and a
design for each phase. There are 8 models, all different, with a story to tell and with which to identify.
Amantsdelalune nació en marzo de 2020 durante la pandemia. Siempre me han apasionado las joyas, desde las más sencillas hasta las
más extravagantes, especialmente los anillos, porque creo en la energía de las manos. Durante la pandemia tuve mucho tiempo libre.
Durante la pandemia tuve mucho tiempo libre, así que diseñé algunas piezas para mí, sin intención de venderlas. El papel de la luna era fundamental, siempre
siempre me ha fascinado su historia y sus ocho fases.
El ocho es un número que me ha acompañado durante toda mi vida, desde la infancia ha sido un punto fijo para mí y mi familia, un
número que muchas veces ha aparecido por casualidad o no.
Según la cultura japonesa, el número ocho se considera de la suerte; esto se debe a que las dos líneas que forman el kanji ⼋ se ensanchan
en la parte inferior, lo que indica mejora y prosperidad.
La marca tomó forma cuando decidí fusionar estos conceptos, y representar mis creaciones dándoles un significado y un
diseño para cada fase. Hay 8 modelos, todos diferentes, con una historia que contar y con la que identificarse
Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

Can you tell us about
the importance of
astrology in this
Háblanos de la importancia de la astrología en este proyecto.
In astrology, the moon is considered a planet and indicates the unconscious, the most hidden sides of the individual, sensitivity,
fantasy, habits, reactions, instincts, dreams, childhood, memory, and therefore represents the receptive and feminine part of the
Astrology and its contents play a fundamental role in my creations, giving that extra value given by the meaning and the story
behind each of my pieces.
It will also play a key role in the next collection.
En astrología, la luna se considera un planeta e indica el inconsciente, los lados más ocultos del individuo, la sensibilidad
la fantasía, los hábitos, las reacciones, los instintos, los sueños, la infancia, la memoria, y por tanto representa la parte receptiva y femenina del
La astrología y sus contenidos juegan un papel fundamental en mis creaciones, dando ese valor extra que otorga el significado y la historia
detrás de cada una de mis piezas.
También jugará un papel fundamental en la próxima colección.
The aim and concept of the brand is to demonstrate the affinities between the woman and the moon, in particular between the
woman and the 8 phases.
Each phase recounts a different moment in this woman’s life, sometimes dark and at other times so bright as to completely irradiate her surroundings.
They tell us of her many facets, fascinating precisely in their diversity and contrasts. No phase is the same as another, just as there
are no phases in a woman’s physical and mental life.
El objetivo y el concepto de la marca es demostrar las afinidades entre la mujer y la luna, en particular entre la
mujer y las 8 fases.
Cada fase narra un momento diferente de la vida de esta mujer, a veces oscura y otras veces tan brillante que irradia por completo su entorno.
que irradia por completo su entorno.
Nos hablan de sus múltiples facetas, fascinantes precisamente por su diversidad y sus contrastes. Ninguna fase es igual a otra, al igual que no hay fases en la vida de una mujer, como no hay fases en la vida física y mental de una mujer.

Each phase recounts a different moment in this woman’s life, sometimes dark and at other times so bright as to completely irradiate her surroundings.
Cada fase narra un momento diferente de la vida de esta mujer, a veces oscura y otras veces tan brillante que irradia por completo su entorno.

Phase of rebirth and experimentation. Excellent period for new opportunities.
Phalanx ring, with two tourmaline ovals representing the two 00s, the beginning of a series, of a new path.
The experimentation in the design is given by its peculiarity of being a phalanx ring, the only one compared to the others.
Fase de renacimiento y experimentación. Excelente periodo para nuevas oportunidades.
Anillo de falange, con dos óvalos de turmalina que representan los dos 00, el inicio de una serie, de un nuevo camino.
La experimentación en el diseño viene dada por su peculiaridad de ser un anillo de falange, el único en comparación con los demás.

Phase of excess and overcoming resistance.
This «sprawling» structure represents the excess and the resistances to be overcome, like a rough sea which, once overcome,
arrives at the upper part representing the flat calm with the light given by the stone.
Fase de exceso y superación de resistencias.
Esta estructura «desparramada» representa el exceso y las resistencias a vencer, como un mar agitado que, una vez superado
llega a la parte superior que representa la calma plana con la luz que da la piedra.

Stage of creation and spiritual growth.
This model with its challenging design, especially in its lower part, was created with the idea of resembling an eye supported by a large metal «net».
This net represents the fatigue of spiritual growth but also creation, since nets are never empty, they always serve to contain something.
Etapa de creación y crecimiento espiritual.
Este modelo de diseño desafiante, especialmente en su parte inferior, fue creado con la idea de asemejarse a un ojo sostenido por una gran «red» metálica.
Esta red representa la fatiga del crecimiento espiritual pero también la creación, ya que las redes nunca están vacías, siempre sirven para contener algo.

Perfection phase.
The Sprout begins to form, bringing with it the promise of the flower.
This pattern takes its name from a popular US song written by Pat Ballard, published in 1954 and first
recorded by the group The Chordettes.
The lyrics of the song ask «Mister Sandman» to «bring me a dream» in association with the traditional
folk figure of the sandman, bearer of good nights and sweet dreams.
The design is very vintage in its curvature and its curves are inspired by sand dunes.
Fase de perfección.
El brote comienza a formarse, trayendo consigo la promesa de la flor.
Este patrón toma su nombre de una popular canción estadounidense escrita por Pat Ballard, publicada en 1954 y grabada por primera vez por el grupo The Chordettes.
publicada en 1954 y grabada por primera vez por el grupo The Chordettes.
La letra de la canción pide a «Mister Sandman» que «me traiga un sueño», en relación con la figura tradicional del hombre de arena.
tradicional del hombre de arena, portador de buenas noches y dulces sueños.
El diseño es muy vintage en su curvatura y sus curvas se inspiran en las dunas de arena.
Stage of mastery and completion. Great results, the flower emerges.
The design was inspired by a bajour, and the 3 ovals represent the contrast between the moon and the sun. For this reason the
two side ovals are smaller than the central one, which is the only one bearing the teardrop stone, representing the light of the
full moon.
Etapa de dominio y finalización. Grandes resultados, la flor emerge.
El diseño se inspira en un bajour, y los 3 óvalos representan el contraste entre la luna y el sol. Por esta razón, los
dos óvalos laterales son más pequeños que el central, que es el único que lleva la piedra de la lágrima, que representa la luz de la
luna llena.

Evaluation and recognition phase.
The design takes inspiration from the name, the butterfly
effect in this case is associated with the recognition of
our results, if we are not able to evaluate and recognise
them, the consequences could be harmful to our person.
The design is inspired by the butterfly that we find in the
centre of the model, but also by an overlapping
protective «shield»;
Fase de evaluación y reconocimiento.
El diseño se inspira en el nombre, el efecto mariposa
efecto mariposa en este caso se asocia al reconocimiento de
nuestros resultados, si no somos capaces de evaluar y reconocer
los mismos, las consecuencias podrían ser perjudiciales para nuestra persona.
El diseño se inspira en la mariposa que encontramos en el
centro del modelo, pero también en un «escudo» protector
escudo protector;

Phase of strong introspection and
crisis of conscience.
This model is inspired by the work
«Luci di Nara» by Igor Mitoraj, a
work that is currently in my
childhood home in Naples. The
return to childhood is part of the
unconscious and introspection, one
eye carries the stone while the other
remains empty to look inside;
Fase de fuerte introspección y
crisis de conciencia.
Este modelo se inspira en la obra
«Luci di Nara» de Igor Mitoraj, una
obra que se encuentra actualmente en mi
casa de la infancia en Nápoles. El
regreso a la infancia forma parte del
inconsciente y la introspección, un
ojo lleva la piedra mientras el otro
permanece vacío para mirar dentro.

Phase of elimination of the superfluous.
The wolf, master of the moon, looks at it
with his mouth open trying to eat the
stone that represents the superfluous of
our lives that we have to eliminate.
The chain between the wolf and the
moon serves to underline the strong
bond between these two.
Fase de eliminación de lo superfluo.
El lobo, dueño de la luna, la mira
con la boca abierta intentando comer la
piedra que representa lo superfluo de
nuestra vida que tenemos que eliminar.
La cadena entre el lobo y la
luna sirve para subrayar el fuerte
vínculo entre estos dos.

Where does the ADL logo
take its inspiration from?
¿En qué se inspira el logotipo de la ADL?
The amants de la lune logo takes its inspiration from the kanji of the number 8 in Japanese, the two curved lines are transformed into two slices of the
El logotipo de Amants de la Lune se inspira en el kanji del número 8 en japonés, las dos líneas curvas se transforman en dos rodajas de la luna.
Definitely before Christmas I will present a new collection of necklaces, I am also working on some new rings but with a limited number of pieces.
Definitivamente antes de Navidad presentaré una nueva colección de collares, también estoy trabajando en algunos anillos nuevos pero con un número limitado de piezas.
I believe that the historical moment we are living in is one full of obstacles for emerging and non-emerging brands. The start of the pandemic has marked an economic and moral depression in many sectors, including fashion. When I created my first collection, I tried to live a moment of crisis as an opportunity and perhaps without it I would not have built the foundations for my business. The ‘Made in Italy’ factor not only makes me proud as an exporter of my origins, but also gives my creations more value in the eyes of a customer. The concept of ‘Made in Italy’ means high quality.
I believe that the historical moment we are living in is one full of obstacles for emerging and non-emerging brands. The start of the pandemic has marked an economic and moral depression in many sectors, including fashion. When I created my first collection, I tried to live a moment of crisis as an opportunity and perhaps without it I would not have built the foundations for my business. The ‘Made in Italy’ factor not only makes me proud as an exporter of my origins, but also gives my creations more value in the eyes of a customer. The concept of ‘Made in Italy’ means high quality.
How important is the
«Made in Italy» factor
for you, and being an
emerging brand,
especially in a historical
moment like this?
Qué importancia tiene el factor
«factor «Made in Italy
para usted, y siendo una
marca emergente,
especialmente en un momento
momento histórico como éste?

I believe that the historical moment we are living in is one full of obstacles for emerging and non-emerging brands. The start of the pandemic has marked an economic and moral depression in many sectors, including fashion. When I created my first collection, I tried to live a moment of crisis as an opportunity and perhaps without it I would not have built the foundations for my business. The ‘Made in Italy’ factor not only makes me proud as an exporter of my origins, but also gives my creations more value in the eyes of a customer. The concept of ‘Made in Italy’ means high quality.
I believe that the historical moment we are living in is one full of obstacles for emerging and non-emerging brands. The start of the pandemic has marked an economic and moral depression in many sectors, including fashion. When I created my first collection, I tried to live a moment of crisis as an opportunity and perhaps without it I would not have built the foundations for my business. The ‘Made in Italy’ factor not only makes me proud as an exporter of my origins, but also gives my creations more value in the eyes of a customer. The concept of ‘Made in Italy’ means high quality.
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TEXT & INTERVIEW by Giulia Valerii